Local code compliance – Monokote

Monokote fireproofing material passed R90 test for steel structure Recently, International IPS and GCP have successfully tested the ability to protect steel structure against fire reaching R90 at IBST Institute according to new requirements since QCVN 06/2021 took effect. Monokote is the most widely used product in the world and meets [...]

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Fireproofing specification is an essential part of the layout process. Unfortunately, many engineer overlook this task and find it unenjoyable, which leads to insufficient specification quality. Inferior specification quality can consecutively cause major problems to construction team members, generate higher cost to the client when the project rolls out. [...]

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Besides providing internationally qualified fire-resistant products and systems for steel structures (BS476, EN13381, ASTME119, UL263, UL1709), International IPS is also a professional contractor for cementitious and fire-proof coatings, certified and appointed by brands such as Grace, Avikote, International Paint and Nulifire. Our engineering and construction team are well-trained according to [...]

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Take off

International IPS can provide you quick, accurate estimation of every bags or pails that you may need for your project. Base on your inputs of steel take-offs (no matter if they are in BS, UL designs or any kind), our proficient In-house technicians are dedicated to advise you the [...]

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Local code compliance

All fireproofing products that are distributed by International IPS International are certified by the Vietnamese Fire and Rescue Police Department. These certificates ensures code compliance, therefore, choosing our products will simplify the process of code approval for your projects. It would help to alleviate the liability burdens on both [...]

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